Joy in The Midst of Trials

By Zac Poonen There is a lot of emphasis on joy in the letter to Philippians. “Always offering prayer with joy in every prayer I pray for you” (Phil 1:4) and “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say unto you, rejoice” (Phil 4:4). Philippians was written when Paul was in prison (Phil 1:13). […]

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Four Blessed Psalms

By Zac Poonen Psalm 23 is the Shepherd psalm. When the Lord is our Shepherd, we will lack nothing (v.1). HE makes us to lie down. HE leads us. HE restores us. HE guides us. Very often we think about what we have to do for the Lord. But here the emphasis is on what […]

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Allowing God to Break us

By Zac Poonen Jesus once used 5 loaves of bread to feed a multitude. He first blessed the loaves. But the 5 loaves still remained as 5 loaves – and the multitude was not fed. It was only when the loaves were broken that the multitude was fed. So, being blessed (anointed) by the Spirit […]

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The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

By Zac Poonen Luke speaks much about the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the two books that he wrote. In fact, this is one of his major emphases. Look at these examples in this gospel: John the Baptist would be filled with the Holy Spirit from the womb (Luke 1:15). Mary would have the […]

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