Praising God for Everything

By Zac Poonen Life will become wretched for you, if you constantly keep feeling that you are not good enough to be accepted by God. You must never moan like that, but instead thank God that He has accepted you just as you are – in Christ. Thank and praise the Lord every time you […]

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Three Levels of Living the Christian Life

By Zac Poonen In 1 Corinthians 6:12, the Apostle Paul speaks about three different levels at which people can live. “All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable”. The unlawful (or unrighteous) level is where most unbelievers live. No believer should ever descend to this level – but unfortunately some do. If they […]

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Our Thought Life and Devotion to Christ

By Zac Poonen In 2 Corinthians 10:4,5, the Apostle Paul speaks about the “fortresses that there are in our thought life”. The lusts in our flesh have built dirty thought-patterns and selfish thought-patterns, which are like strong fortresses. They make us live selfishly during the day, satisfying our own lusts. And at night, when we […]

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The Second Coming of Christ

By Zac Poonen In 1 Thess. 4:13-18, Paul speaks about how it will be when Christ returns. “We don’t want you to be uninformed about those who have slept in the Lord.”That refers to those who have died in Christ. Jesus died and rose again; and those who have died in Christ will also rise […]

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Encourage Yourself in The Lord

By Zac Poonen In 1 Samuel Chapter 30, we see a few interesting things. David found himself in a difficult situation. When he and his men had gone to battle, the Amalekites had come and destroyed the city where the families of his people were staying and taken their families captive. The situation was so […]

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