New Covenant Prophesying

By Zac Poonen All believers are not called to be prophets. But all believers are commanded to eagerly desire to prophesy (1 Cor.14:1). This is one of the results of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the new-covenant age (Acts 2:17, 18). To prophesy (in its meaning in the new covenant) is to speak […]

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Waging an Effective Spiritual Warfare

By Zac Poonen If we are to wage effective spiritual warfare, we must not be ignorant of Satan’s schemes, devices and tactics. From the way Satan tempted Jesus with food in the wilderness, we conclude that Satan will seek to tempt us also through the legitimate desires of our bodies. Jesus spoke to His disciples […]

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Spiritual Maturity through Trials

By Zac Poonen  Apostle James says in James 1:2 “Consider it all joy when you encounter various types of trials”. If your faith is genuine, you will rejoice when you face trials – for that is like putting the 1000-rupee note under the scanner to check whether it is real or not. Why should you […]

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Living in an Atmosphere of Heaven

By Zac Poonen In each of the 7 glimpses of heaven given in the book of Revelation, we see the inhabitants of heaven continuously praising God with a loud voice – sometimes as loud as thunders and as the noise of roaring rivers. This is the atmosphere of heaven – one of continual praise, without […]

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Excellent Attitudes of Apostle Paul

By Zac Poonen It is challenging to see that Paul wrote to the Philippians so much about joy while he was in a prison. It’s one thing to preach about joy when all our circumstances are comfortable. It is quite another thing to write about it when our circumstances are difficult. Paul’s words in Philippians […]

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