By Zac Poonen
Here is some advice for a happy marriage:
- First of all: Remember that your wedding day is less than 1% as important as your marriage itself. So concentrate on your marriage, even if things did not go exactly as planned, on your wedding day.
All your married life:
- Put Christ FIRST always. Put each other second; your children third; and parents fourth.
- Husbands: Never give up the leadership of your home as its head.
- Wives: Esteem your husband always and allow him to be the leader
- Never get discouraged – especially when you discover that you are not perfect and that your partner is not perfect either.
- When you slip up (as you both will, many times), be quick to ask forgiveness from God and from each other, immediately. And don’t condemn yourself.
- Be quick to forgive each other; and then put the event behind you.
- Never remind each other of past mistakes.
- Remember past kindnesses, and don’t ever forget them.
- Be thankful to God for the good things you see in each other and for all that your partner does for you. And express your gratitude to your partner as well.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with Christ-like love for each other (Romans 5:5).
- In provocative situations at home, die to Self – and react as Christ would.
- Seek to eliminate murmuring and grumbling from your home completely – as otherwise, it will slowly destroy your marriage.
- Use money and material things – but don’t love them, because that will ruin you.
- When God blesses your home in some way, give Him alone all the credit for it.
- Develop the habit of gentleness in your conversation with each other.
- Don’t gossip about people’s failures in your home, but learn from their failures as warnings for yourself.
- Be absolutely faithful to your partner. Never compare your partner with anyone else, even for a moment. Be faithful to each other, even in your thoughts.
- Remember that God has ordained the physical union of your bodies to be an expression of your pure and faithful love for each other. Keep it that way always.
- Trust God to see you through every difficult situation.
- Value fellowship with God’s people in your local church.
- Remember that the path to a good marriage is a long one. But “the journey of a thousand miles is made one step at a time”. So keep going forward always.
- Remember that the Lord is always on your side – and He is ever ready to help you.